No Limit Poker

If you are on the line, you can pay the bet (call), raise it (raise) or out of a hand (fold). If you play from the small blind position, you have half the laws as the basic use of the big blind sum offer to see the next card. If you have placed the big blind, you have at this time, only then make a further bid if one of the player raised before you.

If someone in front of you raise (raise) you need to continue to stay in the poker game, only the difference between the amount you have already paid as basic pay and use of, resulting from the increase amount. But you can also further increase (re-raise) or drop out of (fold). Three community cards that are face up on the table.

Each player at the table who is not previously opted out of the game, can use these cards to improve his hand. Now the second round of betting begins. Should offer no one here and check out all the other players, you can get the next card (the fourth community card - the "turn") view, without depositing more money into the pot. Someone should make a bet (a bid) you again have several options: raise (raise / re-raise), call (call) or get out of the game (fold).

The fourth community card is dealt to the other community cards placed on the table. Each player at the table who is not previously opted out of the game, can use this card along with the three cards on the flop to improve his hand. Now the third round of betting begins.

Should offer no one here and check out all the other players, you can get the next card (the fifth community card - the "River") view course again, without depositing more money into the pot. Would anyone like to bet (a bid) you are again different response options: raise (raise / re-raise), call (call) or get out of the game (fold).

The fifth and final community Map will be disclosed to the other four community cards on the table. Each player at the table who is not previously opted out of the game, can use this card along with the four existing cards (three cards from the flop, one card on the turn) to improve his hand.